In the year 2247, humanity has achieved faster-than-light travel and has begun exploring the far reaches of the galaxy. The exploration vessel Orion is one of the most advanced ships in the fleet, equipped with cutting-edge technology and a highly skilled crew. Their mission: to seek out new life and civilizations.

The Orion glides silently through the dark expanse of space, its mission of exploration in full swing. The crew is hopeful and excited as they chart unexplored territories, hoping to make contact with new civilizations. One day, the ship detects an unusual energy signature emanating from a nearby star system. Captain Elena orders an investigation, and the Orion heads towards the source.

As they approach the system, they are ambushed by a fleet of alien warships belonging to the Xylar Empire, a ruthless race intent on conquering and purging the galaxy of what they deem "inferior races." The Orion is heavily outgunned, and despite the crew's best efforts, the ship is boarded, and a fierce battle ensues.

During the chaos, Ensign Lily Carter manages to escape in a small shuttle, witnessing the destruction of the Orion and the capture of her crew mates. Heartbroken and determined, she sets course for the Sol System, hoping to warn Earth of the impending threat.